Monday, 30 April 2007

Slow Progress, but progress nonetheless

Today really hasn't been as quick a levelling day as I would have hoped, but then I did actually go have a life for part of it, and got to do help my mate Barin on an instance run. So I guess you can't have everything.

Wanted to try add some levels onto my lower level alts, but only actually managed to do it on my Druid Vaeless. I guess levelling is gonna slow done as the level increases, but still managed to get 2 levels and make 24. I also tried to get Orfeus into the quest progression I am using, but he is so far ahead of the curve on it from his time in Draenai Land, that he's doing most of the quests to get into their chains, and just to gain rep.

Started to work on Silvena's level as well, but again she is a long way ahead of where she should be, and so is taking quite a bit of time to level, still made it 80% of the way to 39, and so the mount grows ever closer. Which reminds me, need to send money to her and Illiad, get them both riding around, and that'll be 4 of my alts on mounts. Not bad if I say so myself :)

More guild offers today. I'm still trying to decide what I'm trying to achieve in game now. I seem to have lost my route to end game, and so I guess the focus becomes more on instances. So where do I go now? I guess this is something only time can tell.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

And so it begins ...

This is as much a test of the blog as it is a start, but here goes anyway.

The last few days have actually returned to being progress days on characters I had almost forgotten. My Mage Morwena has moved on from being just into 55 all the way to being half way to 58, I haven't decided if that's the point she'll go to Outland yet, and I'm thinking maybe getting those last 2 levels in Azeroth, may keep me away from the annoyance of watching her die over and over again.

Gonna start movement on my Priest Silvena again, try and get her to the point of having a mount at least, so that's 2 levels to put on her, which could be slow even with her shadow build.

Been spending a lot of time levelling with my sister's characters which has been good, reminds me of levelling my main Renvik, and all the help he got from Euridike as he made he final dash for 60.