So once again I take a month to update my blog, you should all be used to it by now :P
How of things been going? Well guild wise fairly mixed, we've all kinds of problems with attendance for raids, especially from the point of view of tanks, and when the tanks have been on, not enough healers. We've had some half-hearted attempts at Kara which have all ended badly to be honest. But hopefully things have turned around, we had a new tank join last night, and on Tuesday, the return of the mighty Czar, our mighty Tankzor.
My other characters, well I think I'm starting to find my focus again, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and can maybe move on to getting things sorted on all my alts. I've moved everyone up to at least 40 now, which is nice, and my next plan is to try get some of the alts in the 60s up to final destination of 70. I now have 3 of them to worry about. Grundir is level 66, Silvena is level 62 and Orfeus who has made the biggest leap of recent times is 61. Onwards and upwards as they say.
On a final, but most important note, none of this would have been possible, even to the point of me actually staying in the game, without one person coming into my life. This is a WoW blog, so I wont go off into a huge amount of detail. She's played a huge part in raising my spirits and enthusiasm for the game and life in general, and without her I would probably have quit, with everything that has gone on in the last few weeks. The game had dragged me down, politics have no place in a game and there are far too many instances I hear of it not being held to. To those people who insist on playing games in those circles rather than in Azeroth, guess what? The problem is you!
Till the next exciting installment .....
Stepping back out from the Shadows
15 years ago