So what's happened recently, well quite a bit really, I've moved on from Darkstorm to hook up with my sister and some other old friends in Home of the Ghost Lords. I wish Kala and Cel all the best in their endeavours, but there just seemed to be a general sense of apathy among many of the people there about trying to progress.
So now as a Ghost Lord, what's happened, well I've got to meet a lot of new people. Some of which take the game a lot more seriously than me in terms of gearing, but still seem to have retained the fun element of playing. I got a chance to go run Kara with them, and we completed it in one night. About three and a half hours to be exact. Got me a lot of badges, and a small bit of gear, enough to boost me, but not to put me on a footing that'd get me into SSC or TK. This however was to change.
Monday night, and a chance to go see Gruul, woohoo something completely new. To be fair I made a bit of an arse of the Maulgar fight. It's not the most melee dps friendly fight if you are in the wrong place. Next time I'll be looking to hang back slightly more until the first target is away from the big mage. Still he got taken down, just not with a lot of help from me, lol. Better still, new shiny Tier 4 gear, woot.
Gruul, is a pretty standard fight to be honest, and not hugely difficult if everyone does what they're supposed to. We took him down fairly easily, maybe could have been smoother, but not much else. Again woohoo, another piece of shiny Tier 4.
We'd moved through at reasonable pace, so decided to move on and try Magtheridon. This is a bit more difficult a fight, but still not a huge jump up really, it's a lot more based around making sure you do things like clicking cubes, fearing/banishing infernals, and dpsing like mad things through the channelers. The fight against Maggy is fairly simple with the exception of anyone needing to click. We didn't dps quick enough the first time, but the second time we managed, with only a few casualties. Add another woohoo to my list for a new belt and part four of my Tier 4 set. I'm now officially quite hard.
On other semi-related notes, I've managed to move Grundir onto 68, and so very close now to my next 70, it's been a lot easier and more fun having someone to level alongside, as has been the case with Orfeus who is now level 62. I'm just glad that she has so much patience with me for the times when I'm away off raiding and she must amuse herself, but then if her application is successful, I guess it'll stop being a problem. So here's fingers crossed and such.
Stepping back out from the Shadows
15 years ago