So what's been happening, it's been ages since I've updated, mainly from being busy in real life.
So things have moved on a bit, the guild has pretty much finished SSC and TK, and being honest isn't far off completing MH either. We've also taken our first tentative steps into BT, but not really made any huge effort there yet. Has everything been plain sailing. Of course not. Like any guild it has it's dramas, and the odd person that you aren't gonna see eye to eye with. I guess that's an inevitability. My worry is that it seems to be starting to divide the guild a bit, little cliques seem to be forming, not in itself that unusual, but it may harm the long term progress of the guild if it stays so divided. I've seen it happen in every guild I've been in to some extent, and I doubt I will ever see a time when it doesn't happen. It would be nice though if it was a little more guild oriented.
I've taken some time away from the game of recent times, and so taken up playing Cabal Online, which while good is not likely to take me away from WoW any time soon. I've also been playing horde a little bit, for a change of pace and a change of scenery. Guess it's always hard to keep things fresh and interesting, and it's the big reason that WotLK is coming out. I must admit I'm quite excited about the prospect, and unlike some I'm looking forward to most of the changes. Yes it may mean a little bit of relearning of our classes, but at least we get the excitement of discovery again. I mean I'm onto 5 70s and have quite a few that are well on their way there as well, I need something new and exciting or psychological help, whichever works for you.
Stepping back out from the Shadows
15 years ago