It's always interesting watching people make excuses, whether it be for poor gear, poor play or just their own personal woes.
I've been seeing a lot of it recently. If you aren't progressing as a guild then you need to look to the individual members of the guild and wonder what it is they aren't doing. Be it not gearing up, expecting the game to provide all the answers or just not following through on promises.
I've watched too many guilds fold or stagnate because of what is honestly a lack of effort by the guild members, and if that's the case the people who do make an effort are just gonna leave and join other guilds, and they'd be perfectly within their rights to do so. That kinda thing should be expected, and not met with any bitterness. In fact it should be a moment of self-reflection (What could we have done to keep them? Are we as a guild making any allowances for accommodating these type of players?) To be honest with the new LFG system and the ease of getting Triumph badges everyone should already be wearing as many bits of Tier 9/Triumph Gear as their heart could desire.
I've come from way behind the curve on my new character, I decided I wanted to change my outlook on the game, and am a few badges off having every upgrade that is possible from badges. Have I gone completely nuts on heroics? Have I joined an uber-leet raiding guild? No and no. I've made sure I put the effort in, and if you are part of a raiding guild that is your responsibility, no matter what you prefix raiding with (social, casual, semi-hardcore, hardcore). You have a responsibility to your guild mates to go to raids with the best equipment you can lay hands on, that doesn't mean you have to run off pugging every single raid in existence, it just means you are expected to go to raids with something that resembles the best gear you can do.
I'm sure some people will be thinking, oh but I don't like PUGs. To be honest, get over yourself or go join a chat room, you have no place in a raiding guild.
I'm sure this sounds harsh, well, tough. You want to drag your guild down, and complain about the people who do make an effort to get gear, then you are for all intents and purposes flapping your gums and contributing to the problem with your guild. I've gone from 80 just before 3.3 hit to being a nearly fully geared 80 in the space of a few weeks, you should be able to as well, especially if you are a tank or healer.
It's time to pull the finger out for all those slackers and get your character to where it should have been months ago.
Till the next exciting installment,
Renvik, Over and Out!
Stepping back out from the Shadows
15 years ago